Friday, November 23, 2007


Went to Midvalley to "hang gai" for a while today. Mom and sis wanted to get some clothes before they go on vacation next week to Vietnam. Since my Dad wasn't home, I had to send them there. I actually calculated the time we left our home and by time I reached home. It was exactly 3 hours... 3 hours including the trip there and back. I don't think anyone can go for a shopping trip any shorter than that ( at least not for girls). Well, even for that short period of time only, it was really dreadful since I had nothing to buy and I was just the driver today. I constantly looked at the time past, but every minute seem to be a bloody hour. It wasn't fun. My brother and I, just walked around aimlessly just window shopping for a bit and eventually end up in MPH where we also did the same. Time seems to past really slowly when I am not shopping with my girlfriend instead.

I miss going out with her a lot. Even before her SPM started we had not been going out much. All that is about to end though. Her final exam is on next Monday (actually it should be the week after but her Chinese does not require much preparation), and hopefully after that we can have some time out together before she leaves for NS. Noooooooooo! NS! why ler choose her? I'm gonna be so lonely for the next semester. Emo @.@

Since that is the case I might be considering taking 5 subjects next semester but I am not even sure if there are any classes (which is actually related to my major) that will be available for me to do so. Life stinks =D.

Okie the above video is of Russell Peter, he is one funny ass comedian. My friends recommended it to me way earlier before this and I just thought that I would share it with you guys. More of his videos on Youtube.

P.S. Look for the one about the Chinese and Indians.

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