Sunday, November 4, 2007

Bloody connection

Man, I would really love to update my blog more, but the problem is with the connection. It is truly weird because I can still have download speeds of up to 150 KB/s, but my web browser would load as slow as a snail. It is truly difficult to even upload pictures into the post.

Well, yesterday I have been planning the subjects I might be taking for next semester but since the timetable is subject to change, it is possible the planning would have to be done again at a later time. Still lots of gaming especially with my PSP.

Today morning, Szeten came over for a bit before leaving for his friend's (Kevin) house. Probably continue gay-ing there. All in all its been really comfortable relaxing my lazy butt off. Still I promise myself not to get over comfortable and forget about my other responsibilities. All play and no work, makes Way Loon a lazy sob.

Really wish the sucky connection would recover soon. Its getting really old and I might consider changing to a different service provider.

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