Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Lay back life

Well, 1 week has already passed, this couple of days I started reading one of the trilogy that I bought a couple of months back. The beginning is not really that interesting, as it is really straightforward and there is nothing much happening. Hopefully it gets better, because I don't want to read three books and end up saying that it sucks.

Besides that, I have also watched Ratatouille (thanks Ben), in my opinion, I think the movie is really good if compared to the previous computer generated graphics movie, such as Toy Story and all. A rat which aspire to cook, and eventually got his chance to do so, at a prestigious restaurant in Paris. How original XD. Although I am guessing most people would have watched it by now, I still recommend it to those who have not. Probably the most memorable phrase in that movie is "Anyone can cook". Not sure if thats true or not but I am willing to put that motto into my head as I am also learning how to cook =D.

Just this couple of days, I started reading on my C programming to refresh all the things which Kok Hoong has taught me during the 1st half of the year. Fortunately, the basics are still quite clear in my head and this helped a lot when I'm reading about it. For those who does not have an idea of what programming is like. It is basically things like this:

printf(" Hello how are you today?\n");
scanf("%i", &answer);

It might look complicated but once you understand how everything works, there is a lot which you can do with it.

Then last but not least, I have also been looking for other University to apply to for a Summer intake. I would really want to go to US as soon as possible, because the more time I spent here, the more I risk my credits not being accepted. I might be applying to Wichita State University where Zi Chang is currently studying at. The application requirements is not as high as the University of Maryland, and most if not all of my credit hours until now could be transfered there. I would still be trying to apply to the University of Maryland though even when I am there.

I have also done some skin change for my blog. The layout is still the same but I would really want some comments from you guys who are reading my blog. I wish I had photoshop though because I would like to remove the Bioshock logo from the background wallpaper, as all I want is the texture there.

1 comment:

Chang said...

First of all... Yes.. Ratatouille is nice and good

2ndly... my name .. Zi Chang .. not Zhi Chang

3rdly... Apa ni low requirement .. cakap macam aku ni tak ade std .. cheh ...