Thursday, November 8, 2007

Blog Maintenance

Wow, I would say that today is one of those bad day that most people would have once in a while. So, I was experimenting with the layout for my blog's template. Since I did not know what I was doing, I downloaded the template prior to making changes in my blog.

I tried a few template which I found elsewhere and I did not like anyone of them. So, I tried uploading my template and a certain error occurred. Realizing I cant do anything about that, I tried to reuse the provided template and tried to edit it by my own. I had no luck with it, and finally I tried to upload the template again, and it finally succeeded. Even when that was done, I still had to go look for all the widgets all over again. All this I did, till 3pm++. That was basically half a day spent on repairing my blog.

Today also, I finished downloading the "Honey and Clover" anime (Season 1). I have actually watched half of what I downloaded even before the download is completed. What I like about this anime is not the love, and relationships part but of the senseless humor within it. My favorite character in this anime would be Morita. He is really random, and comedy just follow wherever he goes.

Still on the anime topic, Bleach's new episode is out and it's titled "Forest of Menos! The Search for the Missing Rukia". This episode is another filler, but for some reason I believe this filler would actually be good. After being assaulted by the Hollow they fell from the surface of Hueco Mundo into a subterranean forest setting. The forest is filled with low level hollows which range from as small as a human to as large as a few buildings tall. Besides that, Rukia is also missing from the gang during the fall and she was rescued by a rogue (at least that's what I think) Shinigami. Let's wait and see what happens next week.

1 comment:

Chang said...

Somehow... my grandfather is the opposite. He's a smoker as well. Yet .. we( the nucleus family ) dont let him smoke. He often hide in the corner and smoke but we dont really care. Cause it's pretty hard for a 90 year old man to quit at their age.'s like some " open one eye close one eye "

Now that he's not here anymore.. I'm missing him so badly.. Missing all his nag nag .. Missin all his smokes n dunhills ... Missing him.
Basically...the ciggaratte took his life away. Therefore..try to advice ur grandfather a little la... for the sake of his own health...and also the family...

Also..All the best to SPM takers