Sunday, November 11, 2007

Good Luck to all SPM candidates!

Tomorrow is the big day for all form 5 students including my own dearest. To all, good luck and all the best, hope everyone can get through the exam smoothly (My girlfriend especially). Had it been two years ago, I would have been studying all day and all night if compared to the present day. Anyways, SPM is no big deal, just another exam you will be taking in your entire life. No worries, no stress, just put all your effort into it.

To my girl, do your best and have trust in your own. You have worked really hard for the past two years, and I am very sure you are all prepared for it. Don't let others distract you, answer the questions at your own pace ( just do not exceed the time limit of course). I will be giving u support throughout the entire exam period. Good luck dear!

Right after dinner today, I saw the (probably) largest rainbow I have ever seen. The thing was huge as you can see (compare the scale of my house and the size of the rainbow) . I would have needed to take 3 photos to show u the entire rainbow. This rainbow might bring luck to my girlfriend in her SPM (who knows =P). It was certainly a rare sight and even my girlfriend saw it. Whats more, she told me she actually saw two rainbows but the 2nd one was too faint to be seen. Even better for her I guess (twice the luck) haha. I might sound really superstitious but at times like this, a little hope can bring amazing effect.

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