Saturday, September 22, 2007


OMG! This is one of those "Happiest Day of My Life" day. I have been waiting the whole day for this, and finally at exactly 10.53 PM, 21 September 2007, IT arrived. Okie if by now you still do not get what I was referring to. Well, you did not miss anything. I think a picture should do all the talking for me.

Words cannot express my feelings. This is just the most amazing thing. It's really too too gorgeous. If anyone notice the time I added this post, it is already really late. But this is just too good that I must share with you people out there. I will be giving a review on the PSP slim and comparison with the old fat PSP by tomorrow hopefully.

And as mentioned, I will be keeping you guys updated on the latest TGS 2007 news from Day 2. Well, Devil May Cry has been made available to be played by the public since yesterday. And personally I downlaoded some trailers of it and find it absolutely astonishing. The graphics look like pre-rendered CG. Lighting and all is superb. After all, the MGS franchise is the trump card of Konami. Besides that, another expansion pack(sort of) is going to be released for the Monster Hunter Portable 2 game (PSP) featuring more monsters, equipments and so on, but currently there are no news for an English version release. Both from Capcom.

There are aslo a couple of hands-on news about the next game in the Final Fantasy series. Both Final Fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy Versus XIII. Hopefully in the next few days, some video clip could be released, together with Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep too. *Cross fingers*. Not to mention other of Square Enix's title such as Dissidia: Final Fantasy, and Final Fantasy Tactics: War of The Lion.

For Konami, there are also news circulating about another Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops game for the PSP. Since the first game was a success it is no wonder that they are making another. And the Metal Gear Online which is going to be released for the PS3, is definitely a must have for those who already own a PS3.

That's it for today I guess. Good night people.

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