Wednesday, September 5, 2007

N00bs or Newbs?

Okie today ima gonna shed some light on the two words (more commonly used by gamers) in my title. For those, who didn't know they actually have different meaning. Noobs are more suited for people who are new but always think that they are much better than others, are ignorant of the fact that they suck, does not wish to change for the better. Whereas Newbs are refering to people who are new and strive hard to become better.

So, for those of you who are curious as to why I am giving a language class all of a sudden. It's because I want to relate those words to the two lecturers which I have for this semester. One is a Noob and one is a newb. Well, my Psych teacher is one that sucks at teaching and when god-knows-who complain about her way of teaching. She did not obviously show any signs of discontent but us, students could feel that someone became pissed off although she said stuff like "I'm glad you voice out your comment bla bla~"

Whereas another is a noob History of America teacher, he explained to us that he had no experienced teaching the subject and this really made me feel like saying "Holy S**t" cause the textbook would need years to decipher at my level of English and if the lecturer is no good, I'm in deep trouble.

So, well that's life I guess, no use depending on those lecturers. And oh yeah the latter, postponed class today, without informing anybody. Like what a fag? There's a quiz tomorrow for Psy105. Boring .......

Here's a comic on what I had explained earlier.

And here's a flash clip on what our school life would be like if it is a Final Fantasy game.

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