Monday, October 15, 2007

Spending time with my honey

Today is probably the last time I can go out with my girlfriend, until she finishes her SPM. Since we have never been to Midvalley for quite some time now( actually she went a couple of days before), we decided to go dating there instead. One of the reason we went there was to see Midvalley's new wing, The Garden. Sounds nice enough, but in fact it is a really boring part of MV. All you see there are clothing, accessories and such. Not to be miss is the fact that these shops are usually the branded ones, so that means most stuff are bloody expensive.

Well, we just went shopping around, ok mainly my girlfriend was the one who shopped I just followed along and gave her my opinion XD. All the shopping I did was going around looking for a certain Planex USB Wifi Dongle, but I had no luck, as none of the 5 or more shops that I went to had it. To anyone who might know what the heck that is and where I can get it from, please please please PM me. I have to admit my legs are really worn out right now, numb is all I can feel. I did not regret though, I really needed to spend more time with my girlfriend and less on my PSP. Furthermore, she really needed to relax one last time before her SPM finally comes.

Before ending the post, I have to warn everyone about something, beware the item above. DO NOT get tricked by the nice look and all. It cost over 10 Ringgit, and only the top layer are actually coated with some stuff, all those below are just fried pieces of dough. Dunkin' Donuts donuts are not really all that tasty, swear I will never pay another cent for their stuff.

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