Thursday, October 18, 2007

Minutes to Meltdown

Holy !@#$, there has been a really big problem now with my Maryland application. It's probably the worse news ever, my previous semester's transcript had not been received by the University of Maryland. That was probably what I needed to boost my chance of getting admitted and now hope seems really bleak. Well, there is a small chance that they just might have misplaced the package. This is because according to the courier tracking service, my package has been sign and delivered to its address about a month ago. Currently, I have already requested them( UM's staff) to try looking for that package, and hopefully it will be there.

Sending another copy of my transcript is not an option as it will only be received earliest in two weeks time and from what they informed me, the review will be done by the end of October. All I can do now is pray really hard and hope this can all be over in a fine manner. I do not want to spend another 8 months here wasting my time.

Don't feel like talking about it even more, so time for this week's Bleach. There was no Bleach last week and this week's Bleach is titled Bleach 144 "Ishida and Chad, the quickening of a new power" and as the name suggests, two characters gained a new power or to be more precise, weapons. Now for the million dollar question, guess who are the two characters? If you can answer it, congratulations, you can do deduction of information. If you can't ...... need I say more? Ok, jokes aside, this episode has some minor fighting here and there but still worth the wait. There is also another new theme song which I personally did not like. Some screenshots of this week's episode.

Besides that this week, I basically took the whole week off as my personal holiday. But at least I had a MC to backup my absentee from class. Miss M had some improvement and I would say good for her. Still, I prefer Miss Kamal but she is on leave this week so wouldn't be seeing her till next week.

Before I forget, I would like to introduce you guys to a really good deal( in my opinion at least). For those FPS lover out there, this pack is probably what you should be getting. The Orange Box, 5 games in 1. It cost RM 175 and for that price you get Half Life 2, HL2: Episode 1, HL2: Episode 2, Portal, and Team Fortress 2. Best of all, you will be given the chance to play online legally with other people. Although some would say "Dumb@$$ you actually paid to play original games", I for one am proud that I am beginning to support ori stuff. Of course, currently I am still not in the best condition to fully support original games but at least I gave it a start.
Ok so back to this, Portal was probably the fun-est game of that five. Mainly because it challenges your brain to think about how you would use a single method to accomplish your task. To give you a hint of what the game is like, imagine you can create 2 doors which are interconnected regardless of where you put them. As soon as you walk into 1, you will be coming out from the next. Well the game is really fun but unfortunately it only lasts a couple of hours.

For those who are interested you should get one now as the pack comes with a free carpet,oopps I mean gaming mouse pad. For further details, feel free to ask me about it, just drop a message in the chatbox. That's about it for today. Bye peeps.

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