Sunday, December 23, 2007

Birthday Weekend

I know I know everyone only has one Birthday a year, but what I am talking about is of the English calendar( or whatever you call it) and the Chinese Calendar. Saturday, which was the 22nd of December is my actual Birthday but on the following day, which is the 23rd of December, it is my birthday based on the Chinese Calendar.

This year's Birthday really has nothing much to bragged about. In fact, the day started out quite sucky, because I had earlier planned a date with my girlfriend the day before. On the morning of my Birthday while I was having breakfast, when I informed my mom that I was going out, she immediately said I had to stay home or at least come back before the Reunion Dinner. The Reunion Dinner is of course not because of my Birthday, but it just so happens, that very same day is our Chinese's Guo Dong Festival (no idea what the English name is). Hoorah for me, I had to call off my date with my girlfriend and stay home (we usually only come home at around 8-9, so we knew we could not make it back).

Worse yet, at about 2 pm, my mom came into my room and told me that if I wanted to go out I could. Only thing was, at the very same moment, my girlfriend was already going out to visit her grandmother who is in the hospital. I felt really moody at first, emo-ing, and such, but later things took a turn for the good.

At about 8 something, my girlfriend asked me whether I would like to go out for a movie and so I did. Immediately went to pick her up and went to Leisure Mall to watch I Am Legend. We were rushing quite a bit, but I could not complain about it, because that was probably the few hours that had saved my 19th Birthday from being a complete disaster. When I finally reached home, it was a couple of minute passed midnight. I did enjoy myself by the end of the day, because I was spending time with the person I love the most, my lovely lovely girlfriend. = )

So, about "I Am Legend", the movie is not too bad actually but it is also not as good as I would have imagined. Mainly because, the movie only lasted one and a half hour, just when I thought things were starting to become really interesting. [SPOILER WARNING- Highlight between the tags to read the sentence]Someone had to go pull the pin on the grenade and go KABOOM with the rest of the undead. [SPOILER WARNING]

For some reason, the movie reminded me of Heroes, when the Shanti virus was unleashed and cause a pandemic that killed a major percentage of the world's population. And what did you know, both movies featured a virus infected New York city which is abandoned/ infested. If anyone had recently watched Resident Evil: Extinction, this movie is quite similar to it only it is slightly better than RE. So depending on whether you like stories about vampires/ zombies or just like to have ur adrenaline pumping, you should think twice before watching this movie.

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