Monday, March 10, 2008

I Want My Mommy

Nooo!! My best subject Calculus 2. Test 2 no good. How ar? Die lore.

See how Malaysia's English helped explain the whole situation in one very brief line. Okie, to the more important matter at hand. Todays calculus test was really tough, and I think I have already lost at least 10/50 marks. Darn I was hoping for this test to go well actually. Truth to be told, I was expecting another 99 or better yet 100 in this test also but sadly, this isn't possible. With that, I would have to work my ass off for finals in order to obtain the A/A+ for this subject. Darn it.

Recently, my performance has been going downhill. It is during times like this that feel so pathetic and discouraged to do anything about it. I keep telling myself that I have to do better in my finals but isn't that procrastination? Constantly delaying my work for another time..... Grrahhh. Currently I have to score 4.0 for each subject besides ENL102 (which I expect to get a B/3.0), that is my only hope for maintaining my current CGPA at 3.8 and above. Aiming Magna Cum Laude, gg, just joking but it will be amazing if I can graduate with that kind of honors.

Also, today is also the first day for advance enrollment, and I have taken a look at the draft timetable. Holy mama, 3/4 of the subjects I want to is clashing at the same time period. This is bad..... I do not want to take any rubbish subjects anymore (ea: ENL One- O- Two). The 4 subjects being Cal3, Intro to Linear Algebra, C Programming, and Physics 1. Currently if I am not mistaken the only two subjects that does not clash is C programming and Intro to Linear Algebra. I will try to ask Miss Terry to try and change some of the time for the above mentioned classes so that I can at least get 3 of them. Perhaps one other class I will be taking is French 101 ? LoL Funny no? That subject cannot be transfered but currently I have ran out of subjects to take( at least those that I would really want to take *crosses out public speaking subjects*) and this seem like a fun subject to take. I have no idea why but recently I do feel like learning more foreign languages and less of those that I already know.

On a side note, I have finished kicking demons' asses Devil May Cry. Action from start to end, but I have to say that the dice rolling mini-game really is a waste of time. I could almost sympathize the poor sap who scored a S for their style but ended up with a D for time spent in a mission. XD Luckily I am not one of them............for now.

With DMC over, now is the time to start playing Assassin's Creed and Ninja Gaiden Sigma. Once done with that, DMC4 some more on higher difficulty. Those are just the game for the PS3, on the PSP there is Patapon, God of War, and Final Fantasy 7 Crisis Core. The latter is probably the game which I anticipate the most since I have held myself back from playing the Japanese version of the game. So many games, so little time. Why isn't there a job named Game Player in this world. That would be so sweet...............for me. The closest there is to one is Game Testers but those jobs are not exactly fun to do. Although you get to play the game in advance, but you will be playing with a beta or maybe even an alpha or maybe even a Greek-name-which-I-dunno-and-comes-before-alpha. All you will be doing is playing through the same stage over and over and over multiply t with limit t--->infinity. Aww shit too much calculus. I hate you limits ..... I really do.... T.T

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