Thursday, March 6, 2008

I Hate ENL102

Lets start by saying I screwed up my ENL102 Midterm. I had no idea why but throughout the exam my mind was blank and I could feel some nervousness within me with every passing minute. The essay that killed me was one the one on success where I could not decide between definition or illustrative essay. In the end, I blend them together to create a hybrid essay. How ironic, an essay on success which ensured my failure. =.=" I never like the subject and even now I'm still regretting it, more likely than not, it can't be transferred and it pulls my CGPA down. Bloody hell.... Fortunately the midterm is just 10%, and so it greatly reduced my anxiety over this matter. Well, better luck in the finals. In a worst case scenario I would at least hope for a B grade in this retarded subject.

Besides the exam, the 2300 word essay that I wrote had to be edited in order to fit the maximum word limit of 1650(which she did not inform us about in the beginning). The best I could do was cut it down to 1700. These incident really added oil onto the existing fire. Her class is a waste of time in my opinion. The subject's coursework is also the heaviest among my other subject.Shitty shitty subject.

Next week there will be the 2nd test for Calculus and I am still very worried about it. The recent chapters are very tough I would say. Worse yet, I have barely started doing any exercise on the new chapter. Die lore ~.~"

Enough about college, back to what I love most, the Playstation 3. Although I did not have much time to play games like DMC4 and Assassin's Creed, I did downloaded a couple of new game demo. For some reason I think that providing a demo is a really great way to boost sales. Some of the demos that I played really did make me feel like getting the game.

Burnout Paradise is one such game. I usually do not touch racing games but Burnout is an exception. For some reason, the concept of "crash and burn" in the game really intrigues me. In the game, you really feel the need to crash your cars, just to look at how your car will "react to the environment". Other demo I have tried is The Club which is an FPS that Leon introduced me to, and also Lost Planet which is another shooter. Currently, I am also downloading yet another shooter which is Stranglehold, Tequila Time baby!

One thing I noticed from playing shooter games on the PS3 is that the right analog stick can never replace the mouse. I had a lot of trouble trying to aim at any incoming enemies. For now at least the Sixaxis is still a very good controller for all my gaming needs. For one, it is wireless and so I can just play any game while sitting at one corner of my room. The controller suits me fine since I have been a veteran of the PS controller design, since the PS1.

Deng wei I really wanna play God of War: Chain of Olympus. The song "Hold Devil's Pot of Tea" is playing in my head right now. For those who doesn't know what I am talking about here is the link

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